My Hero Academia has been one of the most popular anime of the past few years. A feature of the show is quick character bios in the bumpers, the quick segments before and after the commercial break. These quick bios include the character’s favorite things, often favorite foods but sometime favorite experiences. While it might not be worth it to specifically seek out these “favorites,” it could be fun seeing if, in the course of your trip, how many of these favorite characters’ “favorites” you have experienced or tried.
Below is a list of the more popular characters and their favorite things from the My Hero Academia wiki at
Deku: katsudon (pork cutlet bowl)
Bakugo: spicy food, mountain climbing
Uravity: Japanese food, mochi, and starry skies.
Shoto: Zaru (cold) soba
Froppy: jelly
Ingenium: beef stew
Red Riot: meat
Creati: reading
Chargebolt: hamburgers
Earphone Jack: rock
Tsukuyomi: apples
Invisible Girl: caramels
Pinky: Okra, natto
Cellophane: oranges, soy products, or anything healthy.
Anima: nature
Sugarman: cake
Tentacole: takoyaki, squid ink pasta
Tailman: martial arts
Can’t Stop Twinkling: himself
Lemillion: ramen, comedy
Nejire Chan: lilies and jasmine
Suneater: butterflies
Mei Hatsume: chocolate
Allmight: movies, the cedars of Yakushima
Best Jeanist: wolves
Endeavor: kuzumochi
Eraserhead: cats
Midnight: thrills
Principal Nezu: tea
Present Mic: radio, television, fried chicken
Gran Torino: taiyaki
Fat Gum: takoyaki
Thirteen: museums, documentaries
Himiko: blood, pomegranates
Obviously, this is just for fun, and it is up to you what counts for checked off. Some of these are super easy to complete like Deku, Uravity, and Principal Neku, since these are things that you’d most likely do in the course of a regular Tokyo vacation. Here a few of my suggestions for things that could count for some of the more harder to accomplish “favorites.” While the cedars of a particular island far from Tokyo may not be easy if you want to check off Allmight, Hollywood movies are foreign films in Japan and can be experienced in English with Japanese subtitles. While it does not make sense to travel halfway around the world to see the newest Marvel Movie, but if the weather is not cooperating, an American Blockbuster might be a nice way to kill a few hours. If spicy food is not your jam, mountain climbing is not an unreasonable option in Japan, if you absolutely need to check off Kacchan. Bouldering/rock climbing gyms are also an option if the weather is bad. Rock and Roll is popular in Japan and catching a live band at a bar some evening would be a nice way to check off Earphone Jack. Airbnb is branching out with a service called Airbnb Experiences which matches travelers with locals who are fans of certain fields. For example, I shown around Akihabara by a local through an experience I found on Airbnb. If you search the Tokyo Experiences, you will find people offering an hour or two of traditional Japanese Martial Arts, if you want to check off Tailman. Visiting a Cat Cafe would work for Eraserhead. It is kind of implied that Midnight’s favorite is more of an adult “thrills” you could count rollercoasters or other thrill rides but you don’t let that stop you and a consenting adults from enjoying an evening in Tokyo. While listening to the radio or watching tv in your hotel room is pretty easy, combini fried chicken is a bit more fun to sample Present Mic’s favorite. If you see a wolf in a zoo or wildlife trip, you could check off Best Jeanist, but in Shibuya there is another opportunity, the Mitake Shrine which is devoted to wolves and not too far from Harajuku. Can’t Stop Twinkling’s favorite thing is himself and I think any of his merch would count. Himiko is the only villain on this list and while pomegranates proper maybe hard to find, Japan likes to make creative ice cream flavors and you might be able to check off her favorite that way.
And do not feel bad about using Chargebolt as an excuse to try the teriyaki burger at McDonald’s.